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College of the Redwoods Foundation

College of the Redwoods Foundation

College of the Redwoods Foundation

College of the Redwoods Foundation

Your support means student success!


About Us

红木基金会学院的使命是通过建立伙伴关系和合作关系来支持红木社区学院区,使CR的学生受益, local businesses, and the community.


基金会的重点是创造资源以促进学生入学, student success, economic development, community health, and equitable opportunity.

The Impact of Your Giving

Your gift matters.

More than 180,红木学院自1964年成立以来,已有1000名学生就读于该学院.  您支持CR学生的礼物是对洪堡人民和经济的投资, Del Norte and Trinity Counties.

如果你有兴趣捐款给现有的奖学金基金, creating a new scholarship fund, funding an internship program, 或者与基金会合作造福当地社区, please contact:

Marty Coelho
Executive Director, College Advancement & the CR Foundation
(707) 476-4325

Room & Board Scholarship

The Redwoods Room & 董事会奖学金基金支持无家可归或没有住房保障的CR学生.  该奖学金提供学期补助金,以便这些学生可以住在CR的宿舍,并在自助餐厅用餐.  我们的目标是确保这些学生有机会专注于他们的教育,而不是他们的日常生存. 


Learn About our new Room and Board Scholarship

Foundation Initiatives

[ Please click the photos for more details ]

CR Dinner and Auction

CR Dinner and Auction

CR Dinner and Auction
Community Stadium 2.0

Community Stadium 2.0

Community Stadium 2.0
Redwoods Championship Club

Redwoods Championship Club

Redwoods Championship Club
Room and Board Scholarship

Room and Board Scholarship

Room and Board Scholarship
Presidential Innovation Funds Grant

Presidential Innovation Funds Grant

Presidential Innovation Funds Grant

Giving Options

我们提供不同的方式,你的钱可以支持皇冠365官方app.  请按一下你有兴趣支持的范畴.


红杉体育项目学院为250名学生运动员提供学术和体育机会. 我们的运动员参加了13个不同的男子和女子队.


The District serves 160,000 people and a wide diversity of populations, including five local Native American tribes.


我们提供各种各样的俱乐部,以提供社会和学术支持, as well as to provide opportunities for personal growth.

Collin Bibler Memorial Scholarship Fund

In memory of Collin, 他的家人和朋友为居住在洪堡县的学生设立了一项助学金,这些学生希望追求他们的教育目标,尽管他们的生活中出现了任何心理健康方面的挫折.

Craig C. Hansen Truck Driving Program Scholarship Fund


Dee Ann Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund



Some of our students' fondest memories are of the instructors, classes, departments, and programs at College of the Redwoods.
Select where you want your gift of support to go.

Emergency Aid Grants

学生在交通上遇到紧急情况时是否有提供帮助, health, school expenses, and more.

Jean E. Spinas and B. Curtis Spinas Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Jean E. Spinas and B. 柯蒂斯·斯皮纳斯纪念奖学金基金支持女性从事任何领域的研究.

Mark William Dusel Memorial Scholarship Fund


Memorial Gifts


Pelican Bay Scholars Program


Presidential Innovation Fund

Provides funding for faculty, staff, students, 和社区成员一起创造创新项目,使红杉社区学院区受益.

President's Circle

支持特殊项目,使红木社区学院区受益. All unrestricted gifts are welcome.

Redwoods Room & Board Scholarship Fund


Redwoods Alumni Association

The Redwoods Alumni Association supports student, faculty, 和员工活动/项目,拓宽学生在皇冠365官方app的经历.

Redwood Art Association Scholarship Fund

Supports students majoring in the arts.

Redwood Championship Club


Student Support Centers

皇冠365官方app为学生提供广泛的支持服务网络, you can select where you want your gift of support to go.

Tim Crossan Memorial Scholarship Fund


CR Alumni/Staff Profiles & Historical Stories

Floyd Bettiga

皇冠365官方app为纪念名誉教授弗洛伊德·贝提加,将其艺术画廊命名为新的创意艺术中心. Over his many years in Humboldt County, Mr. Bettiga ...

View Floyd's Story
Community Stadium

The first year College of the Redwoods hosted a football team, players faced challenges both on and off the field. "In 1967 we didn't have a ...

Community Stadium's Story
Speed Car
Corsair Speed Car

When the Corsair No. 1971年8月,671号赛车抵达犹他州的博纳维尔赛道(也被称为博纳维尔盐滩赛道), it was dubbed "one of ...

CR's Speed Car Story
Ryan Farmer

Even with two street luge world championships under his belt, 瑞恩·法默说他迫不及待地想回到皇冠365官方app. "College of the Redwoods, with ...

View Ryan's Story
Guy Fieri

尽管电视和媒体偶像盖伊·菲利第一次介绍皇冠365官方app是在五年级的公开游泳期间 ...

View Guy's Story
Den Ouden

As CEO of Humboldt Independent Practice Association (IPA), 皇冠365官方app最近的毕业生罗斯玛丽·登·奥登对此负责 ...

View Den's Story
Pelican Bay
Pelican Bay Scholars Program

鹈鹕湾学者项目于2015年启动,为美国北部偏远地区的囚犯提供面对面的大学课程 ...

View the Pelican Bay Scholars Story
Dan Philips

丹·菲利普斯认为皇冠365官方app在他从小镇出发的旅程中扮演了至关重要的角色 ...

View Dan's Story
Mike Pigg

有时在皇冠365官方app获得学位是次要的,或者根本不可能, but students use their ...

View Mike's Story
Michele Stephens

米歇尔·斯蒂芬斯,洪堡县卫生部助理主任 & Human Services, and ...

View Michele's Story
Del Norte
Tolowa Dee-ni' History and the Del Norte Education Center

Prior to the arrival of European settlers, 两个文化群体占据了现在的德尔诺特县:托洛瓦迪尼和尤罗克. Tolowa territory ...

View the Full Story

Foundation Board

Marty Coelho


Marty Coelho

Contact Us

Contact Information

College of the Redwoods Foundation

 Marty Coelho, Executive Director
Fax: 707-476-4402

 Student Services/Administration Building, Second Floor

7351 Tompkins Hill Rd
Eureka, CA 95501

  2023 College of the Redwoods